17 years ago ……No One Would have …

17 years ago……….
We started in a shack in a small town in Northern Thailand, Pua
With 6 Homng Children
Dirt Poor and Uneducated
500 Children later
35 in College
A boys house
A Girls house
A Dorm House in Changmai for our college kids
God has been faithful and we are stunned by his Goodness!!
14 years ago, we almost shut down Kathy’s Home…..
WE are now opening Kathy’s Home II in 3 Weeks
In a remote village on the Laos border
For 25 more Homng Children………so
The 5 to 25 year old plan has been launched
“The Least” from 5 years old to 25 years …..
Can get food, clothing, shelter, and education and the love of Jesus
In Northern Thailand
We are so Grateful to the Father…..the Father of The Least.


Hillary or Donald: “At this point, What difference does it make?”

Eternal vs. Temporal?
Now………that’s the difference that REALLY MATTERS!!

In my life, I have had the privilege to meet and know some Godly men and women!
I must say, most, do not live in this country.
They are not caught up in the politics or religion or gossip or business or economics of the United States.
None of the above makes any real difference to them and never has!

But……..wait a minute…….these are critical issues!
Not to these people………..these “critical issues” are temporal nonsense that means NOTHING in Eternity to them!

temporal-2So why do they mean sooooooo much to us? Hillary or Donald?
In my travels around the world more than once, I have discovered certain paradigms about myself.
Paradigms that are difficult to break as I live in the US surrounded by similar people who look like me, eat like me, dress like me, enjoy US wealth like me…….
They do not challenge me to be anything else but…………………like them!

So I get caught up in this paradigm that all this Temporal shit really matters.
And it doesn’t…….

I get too caught up in this world…….But Jesus was clear in John 17: 16

They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

As Don Henley sings in a “New York Minute”….


Harry got up
Dressed all in black
Went down to the station
And he never came back
They found his clothing
Scattered somewhere down the track
And he won’t be down on Wall Street
In the morning

He had a home
The love of a girl
But men get lost sometimes
As years unfurl
One day he crossed some line
And he was too much in this world
But I guess it doesn’t matter anymore

This world and its lust, politics, greed, passions and lies can consume you……if you let it.
Shake yourself and remember……
You are not of this world!
You are an Alien……….just passin through!!

(Featured Image By DonkeyHotey at https://flickr.com/photos/47422005@N04/24564574914)

The Holy Father Reads the Same Book I Read! What’s Missing?

Roman Catholicism is an Incredible Religion.
Except for the Apocrypha, the Catholic Bible is identical to mine……….as far as I have seen.
They read the same words from Jesus as I do……
And from Paul and Peter and James and John and Matthew and Luke and others…….

the-popes-customThey call a man “Holy Father”
And in a blog entitled Catholic Answers, they justify it by saying…..

“Since we are his holy people, and his people are the Church,
it is fitting that the head of his holy people be called Holy Father
—not because of his own merit, but because Christ died for him and for the Church that he leads on earth.”

Continue reading “The Holy Father Reads the Same Book I Read! What’s Missing?”

Ciao ROMA!

What a place! At one time, the center of the Universe………
Around 100 AD, almost 90 million inhabitants, roughly 20% of the world’s population……..
Covering 5 million square kilometers

rome-3-customMy wife and I visited for the second time last week
The highlight of the trip was free……..St Peter’s Basilica…Bernini’s masterpiece….the pride of Roman Catholicism!
2 Football Fields in Length, Home of Michelangelo’s famous “The Pieta”
The center bronze altar inside the Dome where only the Pope gives mass is 7 stories tall…
and underneath, the bones of Peter, a rough, big mouthed, cocky fishermen, practically worshipped as a god.

Continue reading “Ciao ROMA!”

Walking With God: What is robbing you of JOY? $$$

Got Joy?

Its much better than milk! But why do most people not have it including many Christians? Now understand……..I am not talking about laughing and fun and party time and jokes………NO….NO….NO!!! I am talking about the Joy that Peter mentions resulting from being born again to a Living Hope in 1 Peter 1: 3-9…….

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
To an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you,

Now lets talk about this……for the last several weeks, I believe God has been busting my chops about “the craving for money”.
Continue reading “Walking With God: What is robbing you of JOY? $$$”