Can we Blame it on the Devil, the “Accuser of the Brethren”???

Is it a spiritual battle between you and the enemy and your wife…….not just you and your wife……..both ‘in the flesh”? Have you ever felt, like I have, that no matter how you tried to be clear in communicating with the love of your life, your lover, the Mother of your children, your soul mate for life, and your bestest friend on the planet……….no matter how hard you try………you don’t get through and you don’t have a freakin clue how to get through!!!

Now…………is that the enemy or my stinkin inadequacy and/or flesh/sin?? Cause I know how inadequate I am in communicating with my wife and women. But I can tell you that there have been times where I felt there was a block and a barrier and it was supernatural, not normal or natural and it was oppressive!! Call it demonic, evil, queer, strange, abnormal, mystical or supernatural, other worldly??? I don’t know……but I sure felt helpless, no clue and powerless to communicate!!!!

And I do know that when we do communicate and understand each other, our ministry is powerful and effective and giving. We have served together powerfully and loved many children together selflessly to the Glory of God. But there have been times where we have not done well together………… that the Enemy, Lucifer, the Devil, the accuser of the Brethren?? Eldridge says it is and so does C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters. The Devil is concealing himself and doesn’t want you to believe he exists because he is much more effective this way.

Is Peter right???? Is the Devil a roaring Lion? Seeking whom he may devour? What do you think? Do we fight the ones we love the most because of an evil force know as the Slanderer, the fallen Angel…..Lucifer?
Look forward to hearing your comments…………..

The World of Posers is Shaken by a Real Man!!!

Did you ask those two questions of yourself last week?


2. Where are you deriving your sense of strength and power from? Ask yourself this question often.

Maybe I am wrong, but I would assume that most of you didn’t ………….

Why should you? You are comfortable, safe, healthy, employed……But are you effective in and for the Kingdom? For Jesus? I often doubt my effectiveness!!! Do you? Or do you even think about it??……….your eternal purpose? I don’t …….enough!!

It is sooooo much easier to be a Poser than a Real Man….to stand for the underdog, the “not so pretty”, uneducated, poor, down trodden…is tough!!!! ..Real men expose posers……you will not be popular……..or well liked by many…… will be challenged and humiliated……….not so cool anymore……kinda like Jesus……..crucified and buried but back, risen, and seen by over 500 people!

I met a young 13 year old boy today who was visiting our house with friends. When I innocently asked him about his father, he hung his head and with a sad voice told me his father had died when he was 5 years old as a war hero. His Aunt later told me that his father had committed suicide as a Soldier and the boy was not told the truth. Sad……this life is sad in many ways……and there are young boys out there with no Real Men in their lives. Why not you?? Why not me?? Wellllll……… know the answer to that question…….we answered it at the beginning… are comfortable, safe, healthy and employed……….why the hell would I get involved with a young sad boy?

But don’t be afraid to let your strength show up………..the real you……the Real Man…….Let People feel the Weight of Who you Really are…..and let them deal with it. You and I both have a lot to offer “fatherless 13 year old boys”. Go find one and teach him how to be a Real Man.

Let People Feel the Weight of Who you really are!!!

Do people know who you really are? Are you afraid to show them? Are you afraid to be real and vulnerable? Are you posing for protection?

I remember going to a high school reunion a few years ago and meeting some buddies who had made it big….multi millionaires, married to beautiful, young women, driving fast cars and living in big houses on the beach, prestige and big titles like CEO and President……They were Legends in their own Minds! Although we were close in high school, they were very different now and I did not recognize them and they chose not to really acknowledge me. I remember thinking what money can do to a man and how we all live for this temporary pleasure of wealth and self-importance and how phony it all was!!

What is the “World” mentioned in the Bible? Eldredge says “the World is not a place or set of behaviors like drinking or dancing or going to bars, etc.—it is any system built by our collective sin, all our false selves coming together to reward and destroy each other. Take all those posers out there, put them together in an office or club or a church and want you get is what the Scriptures mean by the World.”

He goes on to say……”the World is carnival of counterfeits, counterfeit battles, counterfeit adventures, counterfeit beauties. Men should think of it as a corruption of their strength. Battle your way to the top, says the World, and you are a Man (or The Man). Why is it then that the men who get there are the most prideful, fearful, frightened, most emptiest posers around? They are mercenaries battling to build their own kingdoms. There is nothing transcendent about their own lives.”

And the same holds true for adventure addicts……after the last adventure and the thrill is gone, it is still just a hobby. And we are all looking for that Golden-haired woman, the counterfeit beauty…..we are told to go for her.

Eldredge says again:


Where are you deriving your sense of strength and power from? Ask yourself this question often.

I am struggling with that now. I have had several chances in my live over the years to become very wealthy and God removed the opportunity……..for my own good. He knew that I could not handle it, that I would spend the wealth on me and prefer myself to others and my wife… for myself and not Him……for God’s sake, I have enough problem with that now in my present state.

Eldridge says….” Don’t be a self-promoter, choose the path of humility, climb down the ladder……invite the mail clerk home for dinner.”

I fly a lot and it is often times a miserable experience. People are tired and miserable and grumpy. I try to find people doing something right and tell them about it…… the flight attendant who smiles at me after a 12 hour day or the janitor scrubbing the toilet at the airport, giving it everything he’s got……to the glory of God.

Are you a Counterfeit????……….or do you let people feel the weight of who you really are??

Being Real is Fearful

I got a lot of responses this past week and I sincerely appreciate the prayers and encouragement.  Interesting to hear that many people are really reading this blog every Saturday morning.  I had people actually call me from around the country to encourage me.  Some with similar experiences, fears, pains, frustrations, sadness, disappointments, pity parties and selfish flesh.  Some read it more than once……I hope it spoke to your heart because it came from mine.  Its also interesting who did not respond………..some people who had been through the death of parents but would rather not confess the pain or admit anything because its scary…..its vulnerable,,,,,,,uncomfortable………..
Its tough for men to be real…..scary as hell……..we would all rather be Posers, fakes and phonies…….but I have found that when you try it, other men identify, many don’t because its easier not to.  But some do and want to be real.  They want to be who God really made them to be…..a real man who loves a fight, an adventure and the love of a lady.  But we so easily forget who we are in Christ, don’t we???
As Eldridge says:
“Ever since that fateful day when Adam gave away the essence of his strength, men have struggled with a part of themselves that is ready at the drop of a hat to do the same. 
We don’t want to speak up unless we know it will go well, and we don’t want to move unless we’re guaranteed success. What the Scriptures call the flesh, the old man, or the sinful nature, is that part of fallen Adam in every man that always wants the easiest way out. “
It’s much easier to masturbate than to make love to your wife, especially if things are not well between you and initiating sex with her feels risky. It’s much easier to go down to the driving range and attack a bucket of balls than it is to face the people at work who are angry at you.
 It’s much easier to clean the garage, organize your files, cut the grass, or work on the car than it is to talk to your teenage daughter. 
To put it bluntly, your flesh is a weasel, a poser, and a selfish pig. And your flesh is not you. Did you know that? Your flesh is not the real you. 
When Paul gives us his famous passage on what it’s like to struggle with sin (Rom. 7), he tells a story we are all too familiar with: I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don’t result in actions. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time. It happens so regularly that it’s predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God’s commands, but it’s pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge. 
Eldredge, John (2011-04-17). Wild at Heart Revised and   Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul (pp. 143-144). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. 
I want my friends to be real…..I want to be real….but I am full of fear just like you.  How do we break through???  Any ideas??

Oh Death, Where is thy sting?

My Mother Died Last Wednesday! SAD!! It was not a pleasant experience……it was painful…for her….for her children……grandchildren………..and all the people who watched her waste away at 75 lbs in fear…….lots of fear…..fear of the unknown………Her lover and companion of 27 years had died on Sunday, 3 days prior…….of a horrible death from lung cancer….not pleasant either………..but what was really not pleasant was their denial of Eternity………In fact, I mentioned eternity at the grave side short message. Sad! My Father had faced Eternity almost 50 years prior at the same grave site we stood at!! He was only 32 years old with a 1 year old, 6 year old and me at 8 years on June 5, 1966. Death is sudden, unforgiving, undeniable, permanent, final………and quite sobering…….although I did have a few drinks before and after the funeral.

My sister asked me this morning at 1am…are you doing ok this week? MY response…..”Total sadness. I do not want to die sad. Do you? I want joy unspeakable and full of glory!”

Eldridge says in Wild at Heart…………

The root of all our woes and our false self was this: We were seeking to save our life and we lost it. Christ calls a man beyond that, “but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it” (Mark 8: 35).
Again, this isn’t just about being willing to die for Christ; it’s much more daily than that. For years all my daily energy was spent trying to beat the trials in my life and arrange for a little pleasure. My weeks were wasted away either striving or indulging. I was a mercenary. A mercenary fights for pay, for his own benefit; his life is devoted to himself. “The quality of a true warrior,” says Bly, “is that he is in service to a purpose greater than himself; that is, to a transcendent cause.” That is the moving quality in Ballou’s letter; that is the secret of the warrior-heart of Jesus.

And that was my Mother…..trying to beat the trials and she had plenty……..striving, indulging a lot……. in booze and drugs…….fighting for pay…..more of something……devoted to herself…….she would always say….”I’m gonna start takin care of Wanda for a change and thinkin about what I want”……….but her life was always devoted to her addictions…….yes………she loved her children………but she loved her addictions more! No question…..Saaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd!!

What a wake up call for me! What is my legacy?? How do I want to be remembered…….quite amazing how my children remembered their Mimi and how I remembered their Mimi!!! Very different perspectives! I always blamed her for my childhood……..the drunkeness and adulteries and craziness……….but little did I know or admit……there was Traitor within………my selfish…..stinking flesh that occupied and still occupies my heart. So…….who do you blame????

Eldridge says…..


However strong a castle may be, if a treacherous party resides inside (ready to betray at the first opportunity possible), the castle cannot be kept safe from the enemy. Traitors occupy our own hearts, ready to side with every temptation and to surrender to them all. (John Owen, Sin and Temptation)

Eldredge, John (2011-04-17). Wild at Heart Revised and Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul (p. 143). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.