COUPLE – Closeness last week, OPENNESS this week.
Do you play it close to the vest? Are you hiding behind your manliness?? Are you scared to share it ALL?
OF COURSE YOU ARE – YOU ARE A MAN!!! Being Vulnerable is Scary!!
Your wife, However, Longs for Your Love……..By Connecting Openly with YOUR Heart!!!
Reminds me of Lewis Grizzard – “They Tore Out My Heart and Stomped That Sucker Flat” (Lewis Grizzard tells of the early stirrings of his wayward heart in the backseat of a ’57 Chevy and the ominous murmurings that led him at age 35 to major surgery and the real answer to his question, ”How much is this going to hurt?” In the process he discovers all the ways a heart can break. Young love. Three marriages. His father’s death. And why his entire future suddenly depended on a little pig.
We ALL ask the question that Grizzard ponders…………..when opening up to our Wives…..”How Much is This Going to Hurt?”
Expressive-Responsive vs. Compartmentalized
Be Careful with those Lights!!!
1 Samuel 25:17
NO Love (closed, hurtful, lonely, neglected) NO SEX!!
Are you a Mysterious Island??
Song of Solomon 5:2 – “my flawless dove”
“My Beloved speaks…….to me.” Song of Solomon 2:10
Who wants to talk about Marital problems on a Daily basis??? To keep the relationship “up to date” ,,,,,,,, you have got to be kidding!! Have I married my Psychotherapist??? “You are still angry with your Mother and taking it out on me anytime I say one little word that might be disrespectful.
Proverbs 31:11-12
Is she trying to control me? No…..she is a good-willed woman….I know she just wants to connect with me and feel an openness and closeness. She is moving closer because she loves you… matter to her!!
Col 3:19 – It is very easy to be embittered against your wife………..I know…….I am right now!!
Embittered = upset and irritated, exasperated, indignant and angry.
Mal 2:15
How will you then live with this Sensitive Woman???
Take her weakness with her strengths.